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Designed to be the first point of reference in an emergency

First Screen

This is the screen that will first appear when the UTAG software is opened. It is the only screen available without using a password and will be the one used by the emergency services should the need arise. A photograph can be attached as shown and all the information you want to display can be clearly seen. The translation flags are on the top right hand side. 

Click on any of these flags and the screen titles and any information entered via tick boxes, will be instantly translated into the language chosen.


In the bottom right hand corner is a box for entering the password (when you first receive your UTAG it will be set as "password"). Enter your password and click on the "Log In" button and you will move to the following screen


Second Screen

The only change is that you have now opened the edit option and your three choices will be shown in the bottom right corner. These are:


Edit Medical Information

Edit Personal details

Private Folder


You also have the option to Log Out


Edit Medical Information

This is the screen where you complete your medical information. There are distinct areas:


Medical Conditions - Twenty five common conditions are listed and by clicking on the white box next to the condition a tick will appear (click again and it disappears). Conditions ticked will appear on the display screen. There is also an area to enter any other information you want to give or put in conditions that are not listed. Although only one box is shown, it will scroll so there is plenty of room to enter information. Only information entered using the tick boxes will be translated, unfortunately "free text" cannot be translated.


Allergies - Fourteen common allergies are listed against tick boxes. There are then three other options which have free text boxes against them; food, insect stings and other. If you write something in one of these boxes the title and the free text will appear on the display screen. For instance if you write in the food box "Nut", the display box will show "Food - Nut".


Current Medication - This is totally free text and you can enter any information necessary.


Personal Requests - There is then an area where you can give other information which you may want to pass on to the emergency services.


Blood Group - This gives the option to enter your blood group if known. Many countries' medical services will always check this so it is not as vital as it used to be but if you travel extensively you may find yourself somewhere more remote so it is good to enter it if you know it.


Registered Organ Donor - If you have registered, you have the option to display this fact.


When you have finished entering your information, click on "Save Details" to save everything you have entered and to return to the previous screen.




Edit Personal Details

The information to enter is straightforward, just type into the box against the appropriate heading. Enter as much (or as little) as you want to share. The photo option uses the standard windows browse feature. It will shrink the photo to fit.


The password can also be changed here. As is commonly used, the password has to be entered in two boxes identically for it to be accepted.


When you have finished entering your information, click on "Save Details" to save everything you have entered and to return to the previous screen.



Private Folder

If you are constantly on the move, it is a good idea to carry copies of vital documents such as passport, driving licence, travel documents, health insurance membership etc. with you. ‘The ‘Private Folder’ gives you the opportunity to save copies of these documents (and any other document / spreadsheet you require) into a folder on your UTAG. As you save the document, it will ask for a password and UTAG will then encrypt the document so that it can only be accessed by using the password. This gives you the peace of mind that you have copies of everything you need with you in a secure form that only you can access. Once the document is open it can be displayed or printed. If you no longer require it, it can simply be deleted.

The blue key takes you to the Private folder. This is your area alone and will not be shared with anyone. Unless you have the password and can get to this screen, you won't even know it's there. This is an opportunity to save documents and files you want to carry with you in a secure way.


Click "Add File" to browse your computer and get the files you want. When you have everything simply highlight the files you want to encrypt and click the encrypt button. Encrypted files have the file ending ".utg" added to them. Decrypting and deleting files is just as easy.


(Please note the instructions in this area will be displayed in the language chosen on the main screen).

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