Designed to be the first point of reference in an emergency
I have put my UTAG® into my computer and a window did not open, I cannot see the UTAG®.
Double click on ‘My Computer’ a window will open and you will see the UTAG® logo against a drive letter, click to open. Then click on the UTAGTM logo in the new window and the program will open.
How do I put in my details?
You need to put in your password into the box on the bottom right of the screen and click ‘Log In’ to enter the edit selection screen (the password is set to ‘password’ when you first use your UTAG®). You will then see the edit buttons choose the section you wish to edit from there.
Do I have to fill in all the information?
All information is optional, so you put in as much information as you wish.
Why do I not fill in my full date of birth?
The year of your birth is enough for an emergency situation. We felt that with concerns about identity issues we would not include any information that was sensitive, only information that could be needed for an emergency situation.
What happens if I forget my password?
Your password is non recoverable. This is a security measure so nobody can change your details. You can still use the information contained in your UTAG® but you will not be able to edit it.
Do I have to put in the full international dialling code and what does the ‘+’ mean?
You do not have to include it but if you travel abroad it would help if there was an emergency. Someone may not know the dialling code for your country. The ‘+’ symbol means that the call should start with the international dialling code for that country, e.g. ‘00’ in the UK.
I have a condition that I do not want to be seen in the public screen but it would need to be known in an emergency.
We suggest in the ‘Other’ box putting something like “Please contact my GP for information about an existing condition”.
Will the emergency services know what the UTAG® is?
As part of their normal procedure a trained person will check an unconscious or delirious person for medical devices. The UTAG® has the recognised letters ICE on the device which stands for In Case of Emergency and the Staff and snake emblem in the paramedic star. These alert the person searching that the UTAG® is a medical information device.
Can I use my UTAG® to store music and other files?
You can, but we do not recommend that you do. The information held on your UTAG® is important; you should not clutter the drive with other files. In an emergency you want it to be clear were the information is. You can use the Personal Folder to store important information, such as scans of your passport, driving licence, insurance documents etc
The picture I want to use is big, will it fit?
The software on the UTAG® will automatically adjust the image so that it fits into the window on the public page.
My UTAG DogTag won’t fit into my USB port.
The UTAG dogtag has been designed to be the maximum size a USB connection can be, along with the ‘fins’ you can see at the sides of the connector. These are so the UTAG is a snug fit and will not go into a USB port the wrong way around. In a few USB ports initially the UTAG feels as though it will not fit, make sure the connector is the right way round and push the UTAG into the port it should now go in.
What is the white strip for on my ICE card?
The strip is for you to write your name on the card. If you and your friends, family or work colleagues have ICE cards you can quickly see which is yours.
Is the software different on the ICE card than on the Dogtag?
There is no difference in the software only the style of the USB device.
When I browse the files on my UTAG I can see the encrypted files ending in .utg can’t I rename the file without the .utg and view them?
No, the file itself is encrypted. We added the .utg so the user will know that the file has been encrypted. Renaming it will not allow access.
I have put my password in the two boxes in the ‘Edit Personal Details’ screen, but when I click ‘Save Details’ I get a warning about ‘Invalid Password’?
This means that the two passwords you entered do not match. You have to enter the same password in each box to validate the password. Remember the password is case sensitive.
Every time I put my Utag into my Windows Vista machine it tells me there is a problem with the device and wants to scan it. What is wrong with my Utag?
This warning comes up because your Utag was removed from a computer (if it has been used in another version of windows, Me, 2000, XP as well) without following the Windows ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ procedure. When you remove a USB drive from any computer you should click the ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ icon in the ‘Notification Area’ (the area where the time is shown, in Me, 2000 and XP the icon is USB plug with a left pointing arrow in Vista it is a USB plug with a green circle and tick) it will show your Utag as a drive letter with the words ‘Safely Remove USB mass storage device’ to the left of the drive letter, click this and it will give you a message when it is safe to remove the Utag.
It could also be that there is a problem on the Utag, if you scan the Utag the first time this happens. It will not effect the operation of your Utag if there is no fault found.
Is the UTAG waterproof?
The digital Dog Tag has been UK IP tested IP5/7. The tag is unaffected by dust and water emersion, and was tested for a period of 1 hour at a 1 metre depth. The tag will only withstand contact with fresh water. Because of this, we suggest to avoid all contact with salty or chlorinated water. We also suggest that when possible, to remove the tag before bathing as soapy products may have an effect on the tag.
With regards to the tag being exposed to sweat, over long periods of time and a high volume of sweat, this could have an effect on the tag due to the salt content. However, we have designed products to help avoid this happening, for example, we now sell sports arm and wrist pouches.
Is the UTAG effected by X-ray machines?
The UTAG is not effected by x-ray machines, such as the ones used in airports