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Designed to be the first point of reference in an emergency

UTAG® is designed for when you can’t speak for yourself.  The emergency services can check who to contact on your behalf and access vital medical information. No one wants to think about having an accident but if it does happen, then the best thing is to be prepared.


Connecting the UTAG® to your computer

Plug the UTAG® into a free USB port on a Windows compatible computer (UTAG is supported on Windows ME, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7).

Your computer will detect the UTAG and it will Autorun on Vista (setting dependant) or open a window with the UTAG logo and **** UTAG ICE ****.  Highlight this and click ‘OK’, this will launch the program.


Putting information on your UTAG®

When the program opens you see the public information screen. This is the screen anyone who accesses the UTAG will see. All information is optional so you put in as much information as you wish (the more information you include, the more beneficial your UTAG will be). There are two main sections of information and a secure ‘Private Folder’ for private information. 


To edit your details for the main screen enter your password (factory default password is ‘password’)in the entry window and click the ‘Log On’ button. Then choose from the three options:


1) Edit Personal Details

Includes personal, doctor, medical insurance, emergency contact details and edit password. We suggest changing your password to something you will remember when you first enter your personal details. If you lose your password you will not be able to edit your information. There is no ‘reset’ of the password, this is to protect your information.


Enter your information into the boxes provided. If you want to include a photograph click on the browse button next to the box, navigate to a clear passport style picture of yourself, highlight it and click ‘open’. The picture will now be saved to your UTAG. If you do not enter any information in the ‘Religion’ box it will not appear in the public screen. Enter the names and details of up to two people who you would like to be contacted in an emergency, the name can just be a forename if you wish. Enter their relationship to you i.e. Mother, Partner etc. Then enter up to two telephone numbers where they can be contacted. We recommend putting in the full international number i.e. +44 (0) 207 123 1234 so if you are travelling abroad there is no confusion. You can enter your employer’s details if required; their name along with your employee number/ reference, a contact telephone number and an email address if known. Enter your doctor’s information and any medical insurance information details if applicable. Once you are happy with the details click ‘Save Details’. You will then be taken back to the edit selection screen.


2) Medical Information

In the medical conditions box click in the boxes of any existing conditions you have (they will only show in the public screen if you put a tick in the box). If you have a condition/s that is not listed, type it/them into the ‘Other’ box. For allergies click in the boxes that apply to you or if you are allergic to foodstuffs, insect stings/bites or some other allergy fill in the relevant boxes with the details.


In ‘Current Medication’ if you are taking prescription medication you may wish to fill in the name of the medicine in the box.  It would also be helpful to provide the dose and how often you take the medicine.


If you do not wish a procedure to be carried out without your consent then please type the specific procedure into the ‘I do not wish the following procedures for religious or personal reasons’ box.


In the ‘Blood Group’ section if you know your blood group then select it from the options.


In the ‘Organ Donor’ section select Yes or No to being an organ donor card holder.


Once you have entered all your details click ‘Save Details’. You will then be taken back to the edit selection screen. Click the ‘Log out’ button and you will then see the UTAG® public screen with the information you entered.


At the top right of the UTAG®  screen is the language selection area. If you are travelling abroad and your UTAG® needs to be used by someone who does not speak English. They can choose one of six other languages (French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese) and all the titles will change to that language plus all of the information you chose (if any) with a tick box. You can try this out without losing any information. 


The UTAG® software will open in the language that was selected when it was last closed.


3) Private Folder

The Private Folder is for your own use and is not intended to be viewed by anyone else. The Private Folder is for you to put important files on your UTAG®. You could put a scan of your passport, driving licence, insurance documents, travel itinerary etc. These files can be encrypted so nobody can open them if you mislaid your UTAG®. To open the Private Folder click the blue ‘Private Folder’ button. A new window will open. To add a file click the ‘Add File’ button, a new window will open allowing you to browse to the file you want to put in the Private Folder. Once you have found the file you wish to add, highlight it then click open and it will appear in your Private Folder. This is a copy of the file and the original is not affected. The file on the UTAG® is unencrypted so you need to encrypt it.


To do this click and highlight the file, then click on the ‘Encrypt File’ button. A confirmation window will open, ‘File Encrypted Successfully’, click the ‘OK’ button to close this. Look at the file now and you will see an extra extension of ‘.utg’ this shows that the file is encrypted and cannot be opened. To decrypt the file highlight it and click ‘Decrypt File’ again a confirmation window appears, click ‘OK’ to close it, the ‘.utg’ extension has now gone. You can open the file from within the Private Folder, highlight the file you wish to open and click ‘Open File’ the file will open with the default program in Windows. Make sure the file is decrypted (no ‘.utg’ extension) before you try to open it. If you want to delete a file highlight it and click ‘Delete File’ you will be asked to confirm the deletion. This deletes the file from the UTAG® not the original file.


Before closing the Private Folder, with the ‘Close’ button, make sure you have encrypted all the files. You will get a reminder when you close the folder, if you have encrypted all the files just click ‘Yes’ if you are not sure click ‘No’ and you will be taken back to the Private Folder.


When you have finished entering your details click the ‘Log Out’ button. You will then return to the public screen. Close the UTAG screen using the X in the top right hand corner.  You then need to remove the UTAG® in the correct manner. To remove any USB drive from a computer correctly you should click the ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ icon in the ‘Notification Area’ (the area where the time is shown, in Me, 2000 and XP the icon is a USB plug with a left pointing arrow, in Vista it is a USB plug with a green circle and tick) it will show your UTAG as a drive letter with the words ‘Safely Remove USB mass storage device’ to the left of the drive letter. Click this and it will give you a message when it is safe to remove the UTAG. This ‘stops’ the device correctly. In Windows Me, 2000 and XP when you put a USB device into a computer that has not been safely removed it does not check but in Vista it does and it may offer to scan the device for errors.


Remember to wear your UTAG ® when you go out, the emergency services are trained to look for medical devices in an emergency. Your UTAG® has the internationally recognised medical symbol of the ‘Snake and Staff’ in the ‘Paramedic Star’ along with the three letters ICE known to the emergency services to stand for ‘In Case of Emergency’. You also have a helmet sticker with the same symbols informing the reader that there is a ‘UTAG® On Rider’


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